Do you have those days where you feel like if there was an award for Epic Mom Fails, you could win? Mothers are in a constant balancing act, and some things are occasionally going to be dropped. Hopefully not broken, just dropped with maybe a small crack. If you've ever worked in the restaurant business, you know about a dropsy day. If you drop one thing at the beginning of the shift, it will be a night of drops. It just happens. Bam, Crash, Kabluey!
My Monday started with a drop...the usual "Mom where's my uniform, socks, notebook, waterbottle, favorite pen, permission know the 28 things that need to be found before heading out the door to school. The 28 things you asked to be ready and in place this morning so maybe the day would not start off so chaotic. The day is a whirl and carline for pickup is extra long and so slow. By the late afternoon I am opening a school folder with a frowny face where I forgot to put my signature that I had reviewed the info sent home over the weekend. It is soon after, I realized that somehow my youngest seemed to have worn his pajama bottoms under his pants all day at school, and we had lost one of his library books that is due tomorrow. We have three different soccer fields to be at and only two drivers, and ten minutes to cram down the meal I seem to have burnt for dinner.
Drop, drop, and more drops!
When my head hits the pillow, I can only picture that frowny face. It screamed "Bad Mommy", and I feel like everything is crashing down. I actually did review all the materials. I just forgot to sign. I dropped something and the drops kept happening.
I pray earnestly the next morning for clarity and to erase the frowny image from my head. And quickly, the Lord answers as I start picturing the wins instead. The good grade on a test that was in that folder, the goal that was scored at the soccer field (and the one saved by my one that loves playing goalie), the smiles eating the yummy treat after a not so fantastic dinner, the sweet hugs goodnight, and the quick card game and laughs before lights out.
Find the good in the bad Mommy! It is there! Look for it! Cherish it! Hold on to it! Be thankful for it! When the frowny faces turn up and you drop one of the many pieces you're balancing, find the positive in the struggle. Find the Joy. Show that Joy!
John 16:33ESV
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."