It has happened so quickly. I am not sure I can really comprehend. With the closing of this school year, I am staring into a future I am not sure I am ready for. My oldest will officially be a senior in a few short days. These seventeen years seem like a blink. How can I be a mom to as senior in high school. It is just not reasonable. These last few weeks of school are filled with awards ceremonies, end of year parties, field trips, exams and so much more. Although both of my girls are finished up with all their school sports for the season, my youngest is still in the midst of baseball and has one more weekend of soccer. I love sports, but the break will be nice.
Summer will fly by. I am already preparing myself for it. And with the recent addition of a two week work trip for my husband, it will be faster than ever. My kids are devastated Daddy will miss the first two full weeks of summer. We have never been apart for that long. So we're making a bucket list and planning tons of fun. There will be camps, a trip to the amusement park, and hopefully lots of swimming and ice cream as well. But I also want them to be bored and come up with imaginative ways to entertain themselves with no screens involved.
I don't know how to function as a mom not running from one game or practice to another after school. Yesterday we took an evening walk and threw the baseball and kicked the soccer ball just for fun. We had ice cream just because it had been a rough day at school and we needed a pick me up treat. And those are the evenings I look forward to all summer. Evenings of nothing. Evenings of time together. Evening laughing and playing games.
With only two more summers home for my oldest, I want to relish every moment. Spend tons of time together. Pray and plan for her future. Dream with her as the possibilities seem endless at this very moment. Time is flying, but I am so glad to be making these memories with my husband and kids during all the craziness and even the few days of laziness!
Ecc 3:1 " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."